Kelly Wang (DMSB ’27) is a second year Mathematics and Business student who got her research paper, entitled “Impact of Deng Xiaoping’s Economic Reforms in China’s Modernization,” published in Aisthesis: The Interdisciplinary Honors Journal. The paper focuses on economic modernization within China, a topic that stems from the intersection of Kelly’s own background with her academic interests.

“My research stems from a personal interest in history; though I am a Math and Finance major, I find that the social sciences provide context for the backdrop that is the status quo. Chief of my interests, as a daughter of Chinese immigrant parents, was Chinese economic history. They have only recently become a global superpower (well… they’re struggling a bit now lol), with a meteoric rise not comparable by any other nation. As a result, I decided to look into how Deng’s economic reforms played a role in China’s modernization (while also briefly discussing the murky term that “modernization” in itself is). I found reading literature to be so fulfilling, being able to piece together my mom’s personal experiences with documented works explaining the rapid changes in China.”

You can read Kelly’s paper here!

What other activities are you involved in on campus?

  • Alpha Kappa Psi (professional business fraternity)
  • Student Value Fund
  • Undergraduate Research with Dr. Lily Song and Dr. Matt Lee