The John Martinson Honors Program has recently undergone an exciting process of Reimagination.
We currently oversee two distinct Honors experiences through our Reimagined and Legacy programs, both enriching, challenging and impactful. Explore your experience based on when you joined the John Martinson Honors Program.
Reimagined Program
Students who joined the John Martinson Honors Program in Fall 2023 or later.
First Year Admit
For students who were admitted to the Honors Program prior to enrolling at Northeastern (i.e., during the Fall of their first year).
Internal Admit
For students who were admitted to the Honors Program after enrolling at Northeastern.
Legacy Program
Students who joined the John Martinson Honors Program prior to Fall 2023.
This page is for students who were admitted to the Honors Program as First Years (i.e., prior to enrolling at Northeastern) and as Internal Admits (i.e., after enrolling at Northeastern).