Liz Bucar, Ph.D.
Professor of Religion (CSSH)
Program: Philosophy and Religion
Lab/Research Center Affiliation: Ethics Institute
Description of Subject Interest and Expertise: I am a religious ethics and my research covers a wide range of topics—from sexual reassignment surgery to the politics of religious clothing–but generally focuses on how a deeper understanding religious difference can change our sense of what is right and good.
Description of Current Project/Scholarly Endeavor: Current book project on the ethics of popular spiritual wellness practices: SPIRITUAL HACKS Wellness and the Myth of Spirituality without Religion. Trend forecasters say Americans are becoming less religious. It is true that people who are religiously unaffiliated, sometimes called “nones,” are the fastest growing religious affiliation in the United States. And yet interest in what is often called spirituality is on the rise. Crystals and smudging kits for your home; meditation apps; mindfulness programs in schools; spiritual retreats; wanderlust and SoulCycle. These are all examples of spiritual practices we engage in for our happiness and well-being. Nones do them, the folks who identify as spiritual but not religious (SBNR) really do them, but so do the mainstream religious, even evangelicals. But calling these things spiritual doesn’t mean they aren’t religious, and this book is about why that matters.
Profile of Student Researcher: Looking for student interested in conducting primary research on popular spiritual wellness techniques and capable of summarizing scholarly and popular articles. Strong analytical and writing skills a must.